
Rainfall thresholds for the initiation of landslides in central Italy using remote sensing precipitation data

The use of stereoscopic satellite images to prepare a landslide inventory map.

Verso una Spatial Data Infrastructure dei dati ambientali CNR – L’esperienza IRPI.

A Spatial Data Infrastructure for Landslides and Floods in Italy

Rill and pipe channel characteristics in badlands with a case study in Tuscany (Italy)

An attempt to estimate landslides and floods risk to the population in Italy at the regional scale.

An attempt to determine the frequency of landslide events in Italy.

Italian landslide early warning system.

A prototype warning system to forecast rainfall induced landslides in Italy.

The comparison between a ground based and a space based probabilistic landslide susceptibility assessment.

Rainfall thresholds for the initiation of landslides in Italy.

A new landslide area-to-volume relationship, and its application to the evaluation of landslide volumes and to the evaluation of landslide volume rates.

The influence of different type of landslide for the preparation of statistical multivariate landslide susceptibility model.

Definition of national and local rainfall thresholds for the possible initiation of landslides in Italy.

Local rainfall thresholds for the possible initiation of landslides in Italy.

A prototype warning system to forecast the possible occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides in Italy

Statistical distribution of landslide volumes.

Societal and individual landslide risk to the population of Italy.

Early warning system to forecast rainfall-induced landslides in Italy (SANF).

National and regional rainfall thresholds for the possible initiation of landslides in Italy.

A Spatial Data Infrastructure for Landslides and Foods in Italy.

Dissemination of geospatial information on landslides and floods in Italy.

Determinazione di soglie pluviometriche per l’innesco di frane in Italia e nella regione Abruzzo.

Utilizzo di un binocolo telemetro laser e di un ricevitore GPS per la mappatura delle frane a distanza.

Landslide volumes and evaluation of landslide mobilization rates in an area in Umbria, central Apennines.

Examination of historical landslide time series_ a test case from the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy.

Semi-automatic mapping of rainfall-induced landslides using VHR optical imagery_ the Messina, Sicily, 1 October 2009 landslide event.

A national early warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Italy.

Simulating landslide frequency-magnitude relationships.

Characteristics of an historical landslide catalogue for the Emilia-Romagna Region, Northern Italy_ frequency-size, temporal clustering and triggering factors.

Uno strumento per la modellazione statistica della suscettibilità da frana realizzato in R.

Modelli per la valutazione della pericolosità, della vulnerabilità e del rischio da frana.

Forecasting Landslides and the Associated Risk to the Population of Italy.

World-Wide Analysis of Rainfall Conditions That Have Resulted in Landslides.

Correlations Between Historical Landslides and Rainfall from 1951 to 2002 in the Emilia-Romagna Region of Northern Italy.

Statistical and Temporal Properties of 596 Triggered Landslide Events in the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy.

National scale assessment of landslide hazard and risk in Italy.

The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows_ an update.

A world-wide database of rainfall thresholds for the possible initiation of landslides.

Correlations between rainfall and landslides in 3 Provinces of the Emilia-Romagna Region, northern Italy.

New global rainfall intensity – rainfall duration thresholds for the initiation of shallow landslides and debris flows.

A catalogue and web site of rainfall thresholds for the initiation of precipitation-induced landslides.

Rainfall conditions that have resulted in landslides_ a global analysis.

A statistical modelling tool in R for the evaluation of landslide susceptibility.

Identification and mapping of landslides using lidar technology.

Multiple-scale modelling of landslide susceptibility for hazards assessment.

Temporal and Statistical Properties of 603 Triggered Landslide Events from 1950 to 2002 in the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy.

Logistic modelling of landslide rainfall thresholds.

A new landslide area-to-volume relationship, and its application to the evaluation of landslide volumes in the Collazzone area, Central Italy.

Preliminary analysis of a correlation between ground deformations and rainfall_ the Ivancich landslide, central Italy