U-geohaz. Deliverable D4.6: Map and report on rockfall source areas modelling

Paola Reichenbach, Mauro Rossi, Ivan Marchesini, Silvia Peruccacci, Maria Teresa BRunetti, IGME Team, DGPCE team, CDCP team, 2018, U-geohaz. Deliverable D4.6: Map and report on rockfall source areas modelling, 2018,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/393896

Deliverable D4.6: Map and report on rockfall source areas modelling. This deliverable describes a new approach for a probabilistic identification of rockfalls source areas, using a combination of multiple statistical models able to reduce the subjectivity. The proposed model requires a map of the observed source areas and thematic information (e.g., morphometric indicators derived from DTM, lithological information that explicitly consider the mechanical behaviour of the rocks, vegetation information). The map of the probabilistic source areas will be the input for rockfall modelling that will be performed using STONE, a GIS-based rockfall simulation software that provided, among other information (energy and speed of block), the distance travelled by the blocks from different source areas.

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