Rainfall events able to trigger shallow landslides in Calabria (Southern Italy)

O.G. TERRANOVA, P. IAQUINTA, S.L. GARIANO, G. IOVINE, L. ANTRONICO, C. VENNARI, M.T. BRUNETTI, S. PERUCCACCI, S. LUCIANI, D. BARTOLINI, M.R. PALLADINO, G. VESSIA, A. VIERO, A.M. DEGANUTTI, F. LUINO, M. PARISE, F. GUZZETTI, 2013, Rainfall events able to trigger shallow landslides in Calabria (Southern Italy), Rendiconti online Società Geologica Italiana 24 (2013): 310–312.,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/245754

Data from https://intranet.cnr.it/people/