Quantitative analysis of consequences to masonry buildings interacting with slow-moving landslide machanisms_ a case study

Peduto D., Nicodemo G., Caraffa M., Gullà G., 2018, Quantitative analysis of consequences to masonry buildings interacting with slow-moving landslide machanisms_ a case study, Landslides (Berl., Internet) (2018). doi_10.1007/s10346-018-1014-0,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/388891

Quantitativeanalysisofconsequences(intermsofexpected monetary losses)induced by slow-moving landslide mechanisms to buildings or infrastructure networks is a key step in the landslide risk management framework. It can influence risk mitigation policies as well as help authorities in charge of land management in addressing/prioritizinginterventionsorrestorationworks.Thiskind of analysis generally requires multidisciplinary approaches, which cannot disregard a thorough knowledge of landslide mechanisms, and richdatasets thatare seldom availableastestified by thelimited numberofexamplesinthescientificliterature.Withreferencetothe well-documentedcasestudyofLungrotown(Calabriaregion,southern Italy)--severely affected by slow-moving landslides of different types--the present paper proposes and implements a multi-step procedure for monetary loss forecasting associated with different landslide kinematic/damage scenarios. Procedures to typify landslide mechanisms and physical vulnerability analysis, previously testedinthesamearea,arehereappropriatelymergedtoderiveboth kinematicanddamagescenariostotheexposedbuildings.Then,the outcomes are combined with economic data in order to forecast monetary loss at municipal scale. The proposed method and the obtained results, once further validated, could stand as reference case for other urban areas in similar geo-environmental contexts in order to derive useful information on expected direct consequences unless slow-moving landslide risk mitigation measures are taken.

Data from https://intranet.cnr.it/people/