Landslide Dynamics_ ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools

Kyoji SassaFausto GuzzettiHiromitsu Yamagishi?eljko ArbanasNicola CasagliMauri McSaveneyKhang Dang, 2018, Landslide Dynamics_ ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools, Berlin: Springer International Publishing AG, 2018,

This interactive book presents comprehensive information on the fundamentals of landslide types and dynamics, while also providing a set of PPT, PDF, and text tools for education and capacity development. As the core activity of the Sendai Partnerships, the International Consortium of Landslides has created this two-volume work, which will be regularly updated and improved over the coming years, based on responses from users and lessons learned during its application.

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