Un database relazionale web-based sulle rotte nell’arginatura maestra del Fiume Po

Nigrelli G., Raschellà M., Meo R., 2014, Un database relazionale web-based sulle rotte nell’arginatura maestra del Fiume Po, GEAM. Geoingegneria ambientale e mineraria LI (2014): 49–54.,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/286197

In this paper we present a web-based relational database on the main levee breaches of the Po river (Northern Italy), which have occurred since the year 1880 until today in the section of the river between the towns of Zerbo (Pavia province) and Serravalle (Ferrara province). The database contains more than 200 fact sheets that show the information for each levee failure. For each fact sheet are attached documents, recent maps and historical maps. The access at the database is free of charge and the web interface includes 88 pages that users can access through a simple and intuitive graphical user interface. The relational database and web application were developed through free open source solutions (Apache, MySQL and PHP). This database may provide a valid support at the environmental protection agencies and a valuable technical aid during the forecasting and monitoring phases of rainfall events and help in the design of defense interventions directed at the prevention and mitigation of hydraulic and geologic risk.

Data from https://intranet.cnr.it/people/