Optical fiber load sensor based on a semi-auxetic structure_ a proof of concept

Schenato, L.; Pasuto, A.; Galtarossa; A.; Palmieri, L., 2016, Optical fiber load sensor based on a semi-auxetic structure_ a proof of concept, European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors 2016, pp. 1–4, Limerick - IR, 31/05-03/06/2016,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/353184

In this work a quasi-distributed optical fiber load sensor based on a semi-auxetic structure is presented. By concatenating sections with positive Poisson's ratio to sections with negative one it is possible to precisely encode the distributed load into a strain exerted on a fiber. The sensor is described and a simple proof of concept is built and tested. The fiber is interrogated by means of optical frequency domain reflectometry. The proposed sensor represents just one example of the potential applications of auxetic and semi-auxetic structures and materials in optical fiber sensors development.

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