Comparative Analysis of Satellite Stereo Images Methods and Traditional Techniques for Environmental Risk Monitoring

Caprioli M., Scarano A., Scognamiglio A., Trizzino R., 2013, Comparative Analysis of Satellite Stereo Images Methods and Traditional Techniques for Environmental Risk Monitoring, International Workshop "The Role of Geomatics in Hydrogeological Risk", ISPRS WG VI/4, pp. 1–9, Padova (Italia), 27-28 Febbraio 2013,

The aim of this research is to identify fast and low-cost "Change Detection" techniques. This requirement stems from the need to operate in an efficient and timely manner, especially in case of natural disaster and battle against building abusiveness and, on the other hand, to environment monitoring_ coastal erosion, subsidence phenomena, misuse of quarries, deforestation and desertification, etc. In this regard, this survey aims to assess the possibility of using DTM constructed by satellite images rather than DTM extracted through other techniques such as LIDAR and aerial photogrammetry. The results are very interesting and confirm the hypothesis_ it is therefore possible to investigate territory in a more quickly and effective way. We have chosen, in line with the targets set, to focus the analysis on geographical areas particularly affected by environmental and anthropic criticalities, territorial morphological changes, building abusiveness, etc. The first study is located on an area near Fasano (BR) - Italy, that is a part of the Alta Murgia National Park. The second one is located in a mountainous area in the Basilicata, Italian region particularly affected by episodes of territorial transformation for both natural and anthropic causes

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