A Stochastic Approach for the Analysis of Long Dry Spells with Different Threshold Values in Southern Italy

Beniamino Sirangelo, Tommaso Caloiero, Roberto Coscarelli, Ennio Ferrari, 2019, A Stochastic Approach for the Analysis of Long Dry Spells with Different Threshold Values in Southern Italy, Water (Basel) 11 (2019): 1–13. doi_10.3390/w11102026,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/407392

A non-homogeneous Poisson model was proposed to analyze the sequences of dry spells below prefixed thresholds as an upgrade of a stochastic procedure previously used to describe long periods of no rainfall. Its application concerned the daily precipitation series in a 60-year time span at four rain gauges (Calabria, southern Italy), aiming at testing the different ehaviors of the dry spells below prefixed thresholds in two paired periods (1951-1980 and 1981-2010). A simulation analysis performed through a Monte Carlo approach assessed the statistical significance of the variation of the mean values of dry spells observed at an annual scale in the two 30-year periods. The results evidenced that the dry spells durations increased passing from the first 30-year period to the second one for all the thresholds analyzed. For instance, for the Cassano station, an increase of about 10% of the maximum dry spell duration was detected for a threshold of 5 mm. Moreover, the return periods evaluated for fixed long dry spells through the synthetic data of the period 1981-2010 were lower than the corresponding ones evaluated with the data generated for the previous 30-year period. Specifically, the difference between the two 30-year periods in terms of the return period of long dry spells occurrence increased with the growing thresholds. As an example, for the Cosenza rain gauge with a threshold of 1 mm, the return period for a dry spell length of 70 days decreased from 20 years (in 1951-1980) to about 10 years (in 1981-2010), while for a threshold of 5 mm, the return period for the dry spell lengths of 120 days decreases from 70 years to about 20 years. These results show a higher probability of the occurrence of long dry spells in the more recent period than in the past.

Data from https://intranet.cnr.it/people/