A practical method for analysis of river waves and for kinematic wave routing in natural channel networks

Moramarco T and Singh V.P., 2000, A practical method for analysis of river waves and for kinematic wave routing in natural channel networks, Hydrological processes (Online) 14(1) (2000): 51–62. doi_10.1002/(SICI)1099-1085(200001)14:1<51_:AID-HYP909>3.0.CO;2-Z,
URL: http://www.cnr.it/prodotto/i/247321

The behaviour of river waves is described using a simplified dimensionless form of the momentum equation in conjunction with the continuity equation. Three dimensionless parameters were derived based on a quantitative linear analysis. These parameters, which depend on the Froude number of the steady uniform flow and the geometric characteristics of the river, permit quanti®cation of the influence of inertia and pressure in the momentum equation. It was found that dynamic and di€usion waves occur mainly on gentle channel slopes and the transition between them is characterized by the Froude number. On the other hand, the kinematic wave has a wide range of applications. If the channel slope is greater than 1%, the kinematic wave is particularly suitable for describing the hydraulics of flow. Since slopes in natural channel networks are often greater than 1%, an analytical solution of the linearized kinematic wave equation with lateral inflow uniformly distributed along the channel is desirable and was therefore derived. The analytical solution was then implemented in a channel routing module of an existing simple rainfall-runoff€ model. The results obtained using the analytical solution compared well with those obtained from a non-linear kinematic wave model.

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