Large landslides: Monitoring, Modelling and Mitigation

Monitoring and modelling for landslides hazard assessment and risk management


The study of the dynamics of large landslide is a heuristic process based on the integration of multiple investigation techniques: geological and geomorphological analysis, monitoring systems (traditional and innovative) and numerical models. Risk mitigation may require major interventions that call for detailed studies on the specific landslide.


The primary objective of the project is the study on the dynamic of large landslides and their risk management. The project aims to employ and test traditional and innovative monitoring and modelling techniques in order to assess landslide hazard and to outline structural and non-structural mitigation strategies. The innovative approaches, once their effectiveness and efficiency have been tested, will then be described in scientific publications


Monitoring system guarantee both the control of the evolution of large landslides (also for issuing alerts and alarms) and the creation of a database that will be used to calibrate and validate numerical models that assist in the comprehension of the triggering and evolution mechanisms of landslide and support the design of countermeasure works. Furthermore, in a second phase, the monitoring system will allow to assess the efficacy of the mitigation strategy in time.


  • Development of innovative numerical techniques for the evaluation of the uncertainties in the design of geotechnical/geomechanicals models
  • Identification of dynamic patters to characterize displacements in time of large landslide therefore to produce reliable risk scenarios
  • Definition of structural and non-structural mitigation strategies in particular focused to ensure resilience from landslide hazard to road networks
  • Testing of low cost and innovative monitoring equipment
  • Publications in scientific journals


  • Publications in scientific journals
  • Technical reports